From Coast to Country

Sound Church exists as part of the broader NSW South Coast Illawarra region, which is expansive form the majestic coastline to rolling green hills of the lands which sit below the surrounding escarpment.

Our Church community has been building for the last 17 years and has a fervent desire to see the Kingdom of Heaven expand in and through all areas of the community - Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally, Relationally, & Financially.


The official mandate of the vision rests upon the whole Church body and its designated ministries, being empowered and inspired to say, “Let us rise up and build and set our hands to this good work” (Neh. 2:18), with every person, family, and ministry being a platform for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom –

His Sound being heard!


Releasing the Sound of Heaven; Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the whole world, making disciples of all the nations.

Our team